Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day

Friday, February 26, 2010

Just to be clear

I would like to clear some things up. Sometimes if you know something (or if you've done something) and you don't say anything it is interpreted as lying. So here I go.......
There is an old saying that "Silence is Consent". I am posting this so as to be clear that tolerance doesn't mean I am "OK with it" and just because "love covers a multitude of sins" (1st Peter 4:8) doesn't mean that it's ok to pursue sin.
Also warning someone (or reminding them) of danger is not judgment. We humans tend to be quick to respond or react without taking things into consideration like context, history, or a full understanding of the fundamentals of a subject.
For instance people using the slogan "God hates Shrimp" as a response to other people declaring that homosexuality is immoral. The problem with this in that it overlooks the context of the reference. The Levitical law found in the old testament scriptures was given to a particular people at a particular time for a particular reason. It also overlooks the fact that God told them regarding (indirectly) that shrimp, particularly the eating of, "shall be an abomination unto you", not that they "are" an abomination, Lev 11:9-12. Whereas regarding homosexuality in Lev 20:13 it states that they "have committed an abomination". BTW the definition for abomination is: intense aversion or loathing; detest (in case your not clear).
Now I know that many argue that this passage is not referring to "Gay couples" but fornicating singles but that would require supposition, the law also deals with fornication, basically the penalty for fornication is marriage.
Exd 22:16 (and again let me clear up, not all marriage is a penalty. Love you honey. oxox)

The Law (as given to the Hebrew people after God delivered them from Egypt) is good.
Some that read this are now mad at me, maybe you are "gay" and you are thinking "so you think I should be killed?". The answer to that is no, but you have to understand what I am saying, so if you can, please keep reading.
God gave the Law to the Hebrew people to make them the best people possible in the whole world. The healthiest, the wealthiest, the smartest, wisest strongest people among all of the people in the world.
It was also given that we could see that we as fallen humans are not capable of satisfying the requirements of being perfect before God. So when it says to do this or don't do that it's purpose is to show what is the best.
We don't always know how or why but I can tell you that God ALWAYS wants the best for us.
We see in the scriptures themselves that the Law was not executed just as it was laid down. God is a God of mercy and grace and loves us more than we can know in this life. The extreme penalties for some of the laws were meant to reflect the weight of those laws. The purpose being to protect the community as a whole from the effects of the actions not just to punish the actions. We see that rarely were the death penalties laid down ever executed. In the case of king David, he committed adultery with Bathsheba and murdered her husband Uriah. According to the Law he should have been executed but God brought him to repentance and he offered sacrifice and did what he could to make things right. And although God accepted David again when he repented, the fruit or results of his sins brought great trouble and hardship not only to him but to all of Israel.
This is the nature of sin. It doesn't just hurt us but those we are connected to as well. There are many sins that we look at and think "Why is that a sin? I don't see what is the harm". But just like a parent that can see danger that a little child cannot, so God is far above and greater than us and knows what is the best for us. We are his creation, he knows what we need to have and be the best that we can. He sees what will do damage to us (individually and collectively).
God created us for a purpose. To be something particular. When we "sin" we miss that purpose or target. This is what the word means. Sin means to err, fail, "to miss the mark". Some may want to take exception with that definition and I agree it may be rather simplistic but not incorrect and fits within the point I am trying to convey here without expanding this entry unduly.
Let me be clear, I have made this entry longer than I planned because, as I am writing, I hear in my mind all of the arguments for things that I am saying and feel compelled to try and answer them as I can but if you have stayed with me this far I would like to to know one thing.
Jesus Christ told us "Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy [against] the [Holy] Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men" (Matthew 12:31).

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is this: denying God's Spirit when you encounter the truth and he deals with you about it.
Let me be clear, You might be a drunk or druggie, an adulterer, a homosexual, a whatever... fill in the blank. I will love you (or at least strive to) but that does not mean I think it is OK, No one who loves you wants you to remain in a state that is harmful or keeps you from having or being all that you can.
Jesus says in Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me".
I guess I will stop here. This entry is too long already.
Please feel free to leave comments but I will not argue with you. This is not a discussion forum. if you wish to make an extended rebuttal please do so on your own blog and leave a comment with a link to it. If you are flat out mean or vulgar I will delete the comment.

For a related earlier post see "From Where I Stand".
 For an online bible reference I suggest

Friday, February 5, 2010


Don't ask me what I think and then complain or berate me for my thoughts or opinions.

it really bugs me when people do this. Take me as I am or leave me alone. I've been alone before, it's at least peaceful.